A framework for authentic writing

A framework for authentic writing

How I make sure AI won't kill my blog.


2 min read


Let me say it, AI will kill many blogs. ๐Ÿšฌ

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Here is the thing, the blogs that don't add a personal touch to them are the ones that can easily be replaced with AI. As for the blogs with a personal touch, I guess you gotta be even more interesting now.

Anyways, let me share my current framework for writing. ๐Ÿค

The framework

I will list out each step, and then we can go over them in detail:

  1. Write with Grammarly.

  2. Add emojis and make phrases bold/italic where befitting.

  3. Wait a day.

  4. Turn off Grammarly.

  5. Edit for simplicity.

  6. Edit for clarity.

  7. Edit for plain language.

  8. Try to tighten sentences.


Write with Grammarly. Here I write the entire article with Grammarly enabled. I apply suggestions from Grammarly that make sense. I begin writing with Grammarly because I want zero restrictions and interruptions when I edit the article later.

By beginning with Grammarly, I ensure I don't make a major mistake in my writing.


I add emojis to make my article more unique and fun to digest. Also, I make sure to format phrases that have to be emphasized in a specific way.

Good writing is like music. You've to emphasize specific phrases or words.


I wait a day before editing. This makes sure I come back to the article with fresh eyes. It helps a lot.


Before I begin editing, I turn off Grammarly. Now it's time to jam it out, the legendary editing session.


I edit for simplicity. This is the phase where I look for words to be shortened or phrases to be easier to read.


I edit for clarity. It can vary what I do here. For instance, removing or adding sentences to further elaborate things.


When reading the article, I need to sound like myself. This way, you know it's me. My blog gets a unique personal touch. I'll edit for plain language. Language that's more causal and used in my speech.


I try to tighten sentences when I edit for simplicity, but here, I have another look. I try to see which sentences could be tightened. But, of course, you don't want to lose clarity when tightening the sentences.

An article with the same message and quality but shorter is always better. In fact, the quality is higher because it's more condensed.


AI won't kill my blog. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

Let's see how well this ages. ๐Ÿ’€
